>Select a file with the .longs suffix (they are the only ones visible) from the Word Lists folder.
>Choose New Word from the FILE MENU ( or press ‚åò - N)
>When the long word appears, begin creating shorter words. You can click on a letter to have it added to the word or type the letter. When your word is as you wish, click Accept (or press <Return>).
>When you are finished, click the Done button. You will receive 5 points for every word which you created.
NOTE: If you wish to save this game for later completion, choose Save Game from the FILE MENU. You will be asked to name the file. It is not required, but is suggested that you retain the .makewd suffix for easier file identification.
NOTE: To spell check your list for authentic words, choose Save List as Text from the FILE MENU. You can then open the list with a word processor program or a commercial or shareware spell checker application.